TypeError: Cannot read property ‘location’ of undefined in Vue router
If you are getting the above error, then the chances are that you have included createWebHistory in your vue router definition. You probably have: When you should have
If you are getting the above error, then the chances are that you have included createWebHistory in your vue router definition. You probably have: When you should have
Are you getting the error “export ‘createWebHistory’ was not found in ‘vue-router’ or “export ‘createRouter’ was not found in ‘vue-router’? A quick search on the Interweb will show that you have run instead of npm install vue-router will install the latest “tagged” version which is 3.5.1. Next is a tag which installs v4.0.4. Alternatively you… Read More »
To find the location of npm list -g, run this command: This will show you the location of where the various libaries are installed. On MacOS, they are in the /usr/local/lib folder.
This is what TPG was offering back in October 2020. This is what they are offering now: You can see that the small plan discount for new customers is now only for 3 months and not 6 months. You do get an extra 2GB of data but that is neither here nor there.
These three options can be confusing for a beginner and it takes a while to know how and when to use then. Here are some quick tips to help. Methods Always use these when binding events. In other words when something (aka an event) happens such as a user has clicked a button. An example… Read More »
If you’ve come across the @ and : symbol in Vue and you have forgotten what they mean, then there is an easy way to remember them. Imagine @ looking similar to an ‘o’ (aka the letter). This letter is contained in v-on. Therefore v-on can be replaced with @. We can also get rid… Read More »
Heat is a killer for all things electronic, non more so than a laptop. Recently, Australia has hit a heat wave where it’s been over 35 degrees C for several consecutive days peaking at about 39 degs. Inside the house without AC, the temperature is around 30 degs. Combining this with ClickUp which recently has… Read More »
This is a neat video that explains very clearly what arrow functions are. How does become Here are the steps: Another advantage is when using anonymous functions. But the main difference is when using the “this” keyword.
Getting MySQL up and running in Docker is very easy and fast but there are a few subtle things to note. Firstly there are 2 apparent options. or These handful of words are deceptively simple but you really need to understand what is happening under the covers. docker run mysql Firstly, the docker run mysql… Read More »
Have you ever read articles where sometimes you see the docker command and sometimes and thought to yourself what is the difference? You can find out the difference by going to Docker Hub at: https://hub.docker.com/r/mysql/mysql-server v https://hub.docker.com/_/mysql Firstly, mysql is labeled the “official image” with over 1 billion downloads. The mysql/mysql-server is an “Optimized MySQL… Read More »