If you are working with json and want to view it in a pretty format within Sublime, you can install an extension very quickly. The long way on a Mac is to navigate to ~/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 3/Packages and run this command from a terminal: git clone https://github.com/dzhibas/SublimePrettyJson.git Restart Sublime and the open up some unformatted json and hit command+ctrl+j. It literally takes 1 minutes. An even faster way is to use the package control. Hit command+shift+p to bring up a pop up text field and type “install package control”. This places the file “Package Control.sublime-package” into ~/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 3/Installed Packages. If you have this already, then just hit command+shift+p and type “package control: install package”, and then type “pretty” and select Pretty JSON. Then restart Sublime. Done! This should take 30 seconds!
Installed package control.
Pressed command + shift + P and searched for Pretty JSON, but couldn’t find.
Why in the world is this functionality not included by default?
Between first and second action is another:
command+shift+P -> “package control: install package” -> “Pretty JSON”
Muy buena aportacion, gracias
not worked at all. no way to find package.