Category Archives: OSX

How to configure Apache to run PHP on OSX

By | November 8, 2020

Navigate to: /etc/apache2/httpd.conf and search for php. You should see: Remove the # which is uncommenting that line. Save the file and then restart Apache with the command: As a quick test, if you place a small php file in your web server directory (/Library/WebServer/Documents/) you should be able to run it. The other option… Read More »

Category: OSX

Apache 101 on OSX

By | November 8, 2020

Did you know that you have the Apache web server already installed on your Mac? To test, run this command: Great. So you have proved that you have Apache. Now what? Let’s practise starting and stopping it. To start it, the command is apachectl start, but if you are not a root user, you’ll get… Read More »

Category: OSX

Can’t find High Sierra in Apple Store

By | October 27, 2020

If you are searching for OSX how to install High Sierra and you can’t find it in the apple store, it is because it is not there. It has been removed. You’ll have to visit this link: which is referenced from Apple support at: in order to download it and then install it.… Read More »

Category: OSX

How to install MySQL on mac

By | August 7, 2020

To install and start MySQL on a mac, run these commands: brew install mysql mysql.server start Useful commands to start and log in. mysql.server stop mysql –version or mysql -V brew info mysql mysql -uroot //to log in. (No password needed). Useful commands within MySQL: show databases; create database <NAME_HERE> mysql -u username -p new_database… Read More »

Category: OSX

How to install Vagrant on MacOS

By | August 2, 2020

brew cask install vagrant It is pretty straight forward. Then to install virtualbox, just run: brew cask install virtualbox Create a vagrant folder and then run the init command: mkdir vagrant/ubuntu cd vagrant/ubuntu vagrant init ubuntu/xenial64 The ubuntu/xenial64 option is basically pointing to the vagrant “box” or the OS hosted at What happens is… Read More »

Category: OSX

How to test the brew instance of Apache

By | August 2, 2020

If you are looking to work with Apache on OSX you have probably been advised to not use the Apache 2.4 pre-installed version because Apple has removed some required scripts, especially in the macOS 10.15 Catalina release. Here are the commands to run to install Apache via brew. First shutdown Apache and unload any scripts.… Read More »

Category: OSX

How to test the default Apache in OSX

By | July 25, 2020

Apache is installed and enabled in OSX by default. To confirm and check your version instance, see this. To start it, run this command in terminal: sudo apachectl start Then open up http://localhost on your browser and you should see this: You can also check the threads in Activity Monitor. To find out where this… Read More »

Category: OSX

How to find out Apache version on OSX?

By | July 25, 2020

The simplest way is to run: /usr/sbin/httpd -v in a terminal. You should get something like: Server version: Apache/2.4.34 (Unix) Server built:   Feb 22 2019 20:20:11 To know where httpd is, you can also run: whereis httpd

Category: OSX

How to open apps with keyboard shortcuts on OSX

By | July 14, 2020

Opening your favourite application using keyboard shortcuts can save you a lot of time. Saving a second here and a second there starts to build up over time especially considering the amount of time we spend in front of our devices nowadays.On a Mac, you can create keyboard shortcuts to open up your favourite or… Read More »

Category: OSX