Author Archives: cloudnthings

What does uname stand for?

By | July 6, 2023

The uname command stands for “UNIX Name.” It is a standard command found in Unix-like operating systems, including Linux and macOS. The uname command is used to retrieve system information about the underlying operating system and machine. The uname command can be used with different options to display specific information. Some commonly used options include:

What is the difference between apt-get and apt?

By | July 3, 2023

Both apt-get update and apt update are commands used to update the package lists on a Debian-based Linux system, such as Raspberry Pi OS (formerly Raspbian). They perform essentially the same function, which is to synchronise the local package list with the repository servers to ensure that the latest package information is available. The main… Read More »

Update your Django db model

By | May 12, 2023

If you have changed your database schema, you can up date your model by first running the inspectdb command. If you have too many tables in your database, pipe the results to a temporary file first and then manually copy the models over. Then run: ref: