How fast can the A1284 Anker PowerCore III 19k 60w power bank charge a Macbook?
The A1284 Anker PowerCore III 19k 60w power bank took 1hr 40mins to fully charge and discharged in 65 mins. It charged my MacBook Pro from 27% to 95%. Not bad!
The A1284 Anker PowerCore III 19k 60w power bank took 1hr 40mins to fully charge and discharged in 65 mins. It charged my MacBook Pro from 27% to 95%. Not bad!
How to charge Charging only takes place via the USB-C connector. Discharging (charging other devices) can take place on any port. Trickle charging feature To charge lower power devices, turn on the trickle charge feature. If you see a green LED, this means that trickle mode is on. Deactivate it by pushing the button once.… Read More »
Run this code here: Inspired by:
TL;DR; I plugged the fan hub into the CPU fan socket and plugged the CPU fan into the SYS_FAN1 socket. Then it worked. This is an old board so you’re gonna be wasting a lot of time. The SYS_FAN1 Th 970A-D3P has 4 pin on the CPU_Fan and Sys Fan 1 so it does support… Read More »
To remove the confirmation every time you shutdown or reboot, type this into the terminal. To remove the GRUB (the GRand Unified Bootloader) option during startup to boot faster, add to the file /etc/default/grub. (sudo is required to edit). eg: GRUB is basically a boot loader that helps uses to choose what OS they want… Read More »
If you want to have an accordion feature to show extra data where you are displaying data from a database on an existing row, you need create set some extra attributes on the first row. One important attribute is data-target which needs to contain a dynamic value such as This then points to the second… Read More »
Python simple gallery is pretty neat but there is an issue when generating thumbnails if your photos are named a certain way. The filename is split at the first dot and then .jpg is added to the file name. My photos are named: 2023-09-24 19.00.43.jpg which means everything after the hour is truncated. ie the… Read More »
If you see the error and you are trying to use Simple Photo Gallery, try running: This is because there is a library dependency. For more details: