Author Archives: cloudnthings

Joe Rogan Experience #1198 – Derren Brown

By | June 24, 2020

An interesting insight into psychology. Derren mentions that some people are more suggest-able than others and shares a funny story of how to get out of a sudden tricky situation by just saying something that is non-sensical to add confusion to the situation.

Category: JRE

Joe Rogan Experience #1490 – Jimmy O Yang

By | June 13, 2020

Jimmy has quite a few interesting stories where he talks about his childhood, working as a used car salesman, collect tickets at the local comedy store and DJ’ing at a strip joint in his early days. He was in Crazy Rich Asian and has a new special coming out on Amazon Prime. The funniest story… Read More »

Category: JRE

Joe Rogan Experience #1489 – Ronnie Coleman

By | June 12, 2020

Ronnie Coleman is an 8 times Mr Olympia, and a trained accountant but couldn’t get a job so joined the police force. He only entered the body building contest so he could get a free gym card. His whole spine is fused together due to various injuries.    

Category: JRE

Joe Rogan Experience #1480 – Kevin Hart

By | May 27, 2020

Kevin Hart talks about (amongst other things) his accident and how his outlook on life has changed. It is incredibly insightful and motivational, especially when he was in the same room with Jeff Bezos and just walked up to him to say hi.    

Category: JRE

Installing Jira in AWS EC2 using Error Driven Installation

By | April 25, 2020

So you may have heard of test driven development but have you heard of Error Driven Installation? Let me give you an example. Here I will install Jira in AWS using errors to help guide me. Installing Jira After you have created your EC2 instance and ssh’d in, download Jira. wget Then extract it via… Read More »

Java and Homebrew on OSX

By | April 24, 2020

To get Java on a Mac, the basic command to run is > brew cask install adoptopenjdk This will install the latest “brew” version at /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/adoptopenjdk-xx.jdk For me, it was version 14. To uninstall it, just change install to “un”install.   To install a specific version of Java, run: > brew cask install adoptopenjdk8 You… Read More »

Category: OSX